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[this is good] "LEAVE IT ALONE"
Can I get an Amen?

Ditto for this whole passage:  "There's been a bit of a sea change in my heart recently as life has gotten mundane and boring...The sacrifice for this is social life, but meh. You can keep that." 
Yup, it's like, do I bother trying to go out when it ends up making me feel less connected to my friends and less fulfilled and possibly leads me into the blues the following day.  *Or* do I just stay at home and stick with the little "me" things that I'm use to and just sit here and type.  I'm picking the second, better option, obviously. 
 "These pet projects help me justify my existence and make me think less
about the things which get me into some horrible mindsets which I once
had to endure."  <-- Was the intended topic of my blog post this evening.  Damn you're good!

"I'll need to get myself a YouTube non-porn account."
I didn't even know they had such things.  Wow!  I've learned something new for today.  Hee hee.  ;-)

True, true, red ring of death may be good for a resorting of priorities for a while.  I say this as I'm cooking my second pizza for tonight, watching cable, writing my own blog post and, nope, not writing.  Sigh...

And P.S.  I didn't realize you had written a blog post today and as I started to write mine, I saw yours sitting here.  Hhmm...synchronization is priceless, ain't it?

P.P.S.  Did you realize that this link showed up under your post due to its content.  Just an FYI.

P.P.P.S.  Ah Vox and your shoddy comment box.  How I have missed you!


[this is good] Those 360 Pros are making a lot of money out of poor 360 owners with shoddy Microsoft consoles... :(

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